
Digitalisation of National Library to be completed early next year

Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage has announced the digitalisation of the National Library will be completed early next year.

The digitalisation of the National Library is carried out as part of the project to upgrade the facilities of the library, carried out under the assistance of the Bank of Maldives (BML). It is one of the 12 high-impact community initiatives carried out to celebrate the 40th anniversary of BML.

Speaking to PSM News, Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage Ahmed Muhsin revealed the digitalisation of the National Library is one of the most important components of the project to upgrade the library. Muhsin revealed most books of the library have already been scanned to be added to the digital library. He said the digital library is expected to be ready for use early next year.

The upgrade of the national library involves revamping the main reading area, Kiyavathi discussion room, silent reading, and research room as well as the Makers Space and the National Collection room. In addition, the existing facilities will be upgraded with new computer systems, audio and video booth for digitisation and for the first time, a security system will be installed at the facility.