
MIRA generates an income of over USD105 million in April

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has recorded an income of over USD105 million in April 2022.

As per the statistics of MIRA, the authority had collected an income of USD105.5 million in April which is a 14.7% increase compared to the income from April last year. It is also 45.8% higher than the projected income for January.

The largest share of MIRA’s income in April was contributed by Goods and Services Tax (GST). As such, MIRA had collected USD63 million in GST last month, accounting for 60% of total income. The authority also collected USD9.9 million in lease period extension fees, USD8 million in Income Tax, USD5.6 million in Green Tax, USD5 million in airport development fees and USD13.6 million in other taxes and fees.

MIRA stated the increased income in April this year compared to the same period last year was due to the increase in tourist activity. As such, MIRA noted a significant increase was recorded in tourism related taxes and fees. The authority also noted there was an increase in the collection of lease period extension fees, which boosted the overall income.