Ministry of Economic Development has announced the opening of free training opportunities in three sectors as part of the COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project.
The economic ministry stated the COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project, which is carried out under the aid of the World Bank, aims to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on workers and their families, and build a resilient community that can overcome similar challenges in the future. The ministry revealed the project includes a component that focuses on upskilling and training, in order to increase the human resource capacity of different sectors. As such, the ministry announced free training and apprenticeship opportunities have been opened in the sectors of accounting, information technology and diving.
As per the policy for the COVID-19 Income Support Project, participants of the training programme must be between 16-65 years of age and should not be employed full-time. Registration fees, book allowances, tuition fees, examination fees and annual subscriptions of enrolled participants will be paid to the respective training institutes by the government.
Applications for the programme can be submitted through the Job Centre Portal of the economic ministry. Details of the application process and policies can be found on the Job Centre Portal.